mandag 14. juni 2010

Day Time Limitations

I remember when I first read about the Remote AH that there would be a limit on the number of transactions. I just never knew I would reach it this fast..
Slow at work, so I log on eu.wowarmory to make some deals, and I find around 130 stacks of Saronite Ore that's worth buying. I relist some auctions where I've been undercut, and buy a few more items needed for my professions. I then find myself undercut again by my competition (which are online the whole day), but now I can't relist because of the limit. It takes around 15 minutes to do 200 transactions, and since I pay 3 euros a month for this feature, I feel kind of ripped off by Blizzard.

I use the Remote AH at work to keep up with my unemployed competitors, but at least I know I'm logging on tonight to continue my business. What about people who pay for this so that they can continue playing the Auction House when they are on vacation, business trip - or whatever reason they may have for not being in the game? If Blizzard feels it's necessary to limit our transactions, then at least set the cap at a reasonable level. 500 should be the absolute minimum - at 1000 I would probably struggle to hit it.

200 transactions doesn't seem that low, and it's more than enough for just selling. But it's the buying that eats through the number, as in my example from this morning. Perhaps excluding purchases from the limit is an idea, or have seperate limits on buy/sell?

And if Blizzard is reluctant to do any of this, there should at least be a counter so we don't have to keep track of the number ourselves.

According to Blizzards FaQs "Our goal with this system is to ensure that most players who are using the service will not reach the limit, and we will be continuously monitoring how the service is used and making adjustments to the system as needed."
So there is hope.

But until something might change, I need to rethink my daytime dealings. Here's what I need to do to keep below the limit:
1. Relist small quantities on my core markeds
2. Buy supercheap shit - especially Eternals
3. Buy cheap/normal priced wares, but at low quantities and only if I know I need it soon.

I made a post on the wow-europe forums about the transaction limit, hopefully it helps.. But I doubt it.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Update Tuesday:
    More Saronite Ore and a bastard who posted 50 cheap single Iceweb Spidersilk, and I used up all my transactions today as well.

  2. I've adjusted to the limit now, but it's probably close each day. It's definately worth my money, but the cap needs to be raised.
