søndag 25. april 2010

Spring Takes Its toll

The weather is just too damned nice, and I've almost lost all interest in the game. I haven't even logged on to transmute this week. I spent a few hours today just watching how the markeds been doing in my abscence. Next week there will be a bit more AH farming since I'll be going on a business trip to Trondheim and stay with people I've met ingame.


søndag 18. april 2010

Bag Bonanza

Here's the summary for week 2 of the blog:

I've bought a guild with full vault (9300g) and epic flying skills and dual spec for my mage (7000g) and levelled 2 tailors. So it hasnt been a very bad week I'd say, but there's more to be gained. I just started looking into the enchanting marked, need to get familiar with prices before I can make the big money there. Tailoring I own, and this Saturday was crazy. I think I sold 80 Netherweave Bags or so, buying the cloth for 4-7g a stack and selling with a pretty good profit!

torsdag 15. april 2010

The Glamour of Gold part I

I used to do dailies. For many auctioneers this is a waste of time, but I didn't feel that way about. I made some gold and had fun trying to make the quest routes as efficient as possible. But as with most wow-activities, you will get bored by the endless repetion. This paid for my raiding expenses (I also herbed some to get flasks) and even for a few epic flyers, but I could never seem to get past 7k gold.

In november a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to help him farm the Bloodsail-title. I was a bit unsure to wether or not I wanted to, since I would probably be bitten by the reputation bug and start mindless farming for useless feats. And what do you now, I soon find myself running in and out of DM to get the Insane in the Membrane-achievement. I realized quite early that I would need shitloads of gold to cover my Darmoon-rep, and that Shendralar wouldnt come cheap either. So I started camping the AH for Pristine Black Diamonds which I bought for 5-150 gold. I made an alliance alt and bought them in Stormwind as well, and before long the Night Elves of Dire Maul loved me more than their own children.
But since PBD was selling at riddiculus prices, I kept buying the cheap ones and resold them for 300-400 gold. Meanwhile my adventures with the Steamwheedle Cartel in DM North made me realize there were huge amounts of gold to be earned from farming that place. Enchanting mats and Runecloth made a steady cashflow, and the one Gordok Ogre Suit you could bring out would always sell for 25-30 gold. This gave me the idea of mass producing the suits, but since they are unique I had to make one (at the goblin in DM for rep) and mail it using my Argent Gruntling. The mail box is at a time limit and I could make/send 13 suits before he buggered off. The sales of these (30-35g) + librams (150-250g) and PBD (300g+) made my gold per hour from 600-1500 during my rep-sessions.

But as expected, I grew tired of this mindless activity and took a break from the Insanity. I was now sitting on 25 000 gold, a number I never had dreamed about getting. So what do one do with this amount of cash? We buy ourselves a 16k mammoth! Of all the needless shit I've wasted gold on, this is my best investement. I have a vendor for trash I loot, I have infinite amounts of Runethreads a click of a button away, and my own personal reagent vendor.
Now as much as I liked getting the mount, I liked having lots of gold bmore. So I started investigating a little, and soon found internetlitterature (blogs) such as Justmytwocopper and Gevlon the greedy goblin. I was inspired, I was entertained and my lust for gold increased for every little bit of information I picked up. And so it began..

mandag 12. april 2010

The Kingslayer

Tonight I killed the Lich King 10-man along with some friends in the most progressed horde guild on Dragonblight, The Khalasar. I must say it was bloody exciting, I havent appretiated a boss kill this much since Huhuran back in the days. The 10% buff is rather helpful as this group isn't the top players in their guild with a mix of casuals and raiders.

Here's my gold standings as of tongiht:

So only a few thousands from 100k which will be my second milestone after 50k. But since I soon need a presonal guild with full vault (will be my first..) and another epic flyer, it's still some auctions to go.

First post!

I am McScnitzel of Dragonblight EU, high protector of schnitzels and earner of virtual currency in World of Warcraft. By writing this blog, I don't really care for attracting great hordes of readers, but rather keep some track on how much time I waste playing this addictive game.